z.one color the new attitude and coverage of gray hair

Home » z.one color the new attitude and coverage of gray hair

Coverage of gray hair is one of the most frequent service in the cosmetic coloring.

It’s necessary to keep in consideration that the chart of z.one color the new attitude has been created following a parameter of gray hair coverage of 50%, therefore in presence of percentages below 25 it is advisable to use the color shade of one level lighter. Instead, in presence of 75% or more of gray hair it is advisable to use the color shade one level darker than desired.

After the Six Fundamental Key Points of the Technical Consultation it is necessary to analyze the different formulations, considering the percentage of gray hair:

  • less than 20% of gray hair, use one level lighter than desired level
  • from 20 to 40% of gray hair, use 1 part of the lighter level + 1 part of the desired level
  • from 40 to 60% of gray hair use directly the desired level
  • from 60 to 80% of gray hair, use 1 part of the desired level + 1 part of the darker level
  • from 80 to 100% of gray hair use one level darker than desired level.

A way to evacuate the % of gray hair is to establish if, at first sight the predominant color is gray, therefore the percentage to consider is higher than 50%. Subsequently, evaluate if the % is closer to total gray or to 50% of gray.

If the coloring service is a combination of coverage and lightening, it’s not advisable to lift more than two levels. Over two levels of lifting, the coverage of gray hair will diminish.

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